Jul 18, 2013

Twitter Patter and Things That Matter

So...I caved.  I did it.  I finally gave in and created a Twitter account.  What the fwap was I thinking?  I have no superior response other than it's always good to learn new things.  Twitter isn't exactly new, but I am a stubborn.  I am a Taurus.

It took me a brief moment to figure the whole hash tag thing out.  I see how it is abused daily on just about every other social networking on media site.  I try not to abuse it, but sometimes I go #hashtag #apeshit.  See.  It just happens uncontrollably.

I have been working to get re-connected again and do the things that I now have capacity and energy for such as writing, reading, and Twittering.  Twitter patter.  What a bizarre word - Twitter.  The poor folks at Yelp thought I had abandoned ship.  I rather enjoy writing reviews on Yelp, but unfortunately it is yet another hobby that has taken a back seat for a while.  The same applies to this here Blogger Bloggity Blog - another bizarro word.  Blog.

It is not that these things require oodles of time to maintain - it has to do with mental capacity.  Hard to write when you don't feel like doing anything whatsoever.  This is what happens when unhappiness takes a stronghold.  That place...that evil, evil place was sucking every ounce of happiness from me one day - one hour at a time.

At any rate - I feel the drive to be more creative using multiple outlets so brace yourself.  If you like to Yelp, Twit, or drink and feel the need to post it via a(nother) social networking app...feel free to follow me and my various online personalities at the following hot spots:

Twitter:  @DiddySG
Yelp:  altothediddy
Untapped:  Diddy Pants


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