Oct 17, 2013

Glory be thy Media

Some days I have a strong urge to write but the brain is dry.  Some days I have an abundance of thoughts and topics I wish to write about but have zero time to do so.  Some days - I say fuck it, sneak online, and write as much as I can.  Believe it or not - it pains me to leave my imaginary blog friend sitting idle for long periods of time especially when ideas are fresh in the brain.  Regardless - here I am back with more shenanigans and mayhem.

I started utilizing the in-house gym at my place of employment, which is nice.  I shit canned my gym membership some time ago and decided I would never pay for a gym again.  My new employer has a small yet substantial gym on the 2nd floor, which enables me to return to my somewhat daily gym routine.  I like free gyms.  Let's be honest - I am a huge fan of all things free.

In the gym, there are three flats screen televisions.  Two of those units are set to standard channels, and one is set to ESPN.  The two standard channels are usually airing the news when I hit the gym, which can be good and bad.  The good - I am now more up-to-date on what's happening in the world today.  The bad - I get to see double the coverage on the same depressing stories each day I go to the gym.  The ugly - the glorification of people/places/things that should not be glorified.

Case in point (and somewhat outdated now) - the George Zimmerman domestic abuse case.  This dude has milked the media cow enough with the whole Trayvon Martin killing and trial.  He does not need to be glorified anymore than he already has been.  I don't speak out much about my thoughts on these high profile incidents if you will simply because I have no tolerance or patience to fight with the ignorant.  However, I do believe that there is ALWAYS more than meets the media eye and attempt to remain unbiased and neutral at all times.  It would be excellent if the media could follow the same protocol, but that is unrealistic considering who the big media conglomerates are.  For the record - George Zimmerman seems like a mecha douche.

It is hard to believe that there is not more to report on considering all that occurs in the world within a twenty-four hour period.  Right now - the majority of news (during my forty-five minutes of treadmill shame) consist of the government shutdown.  Every morning of every weekday.... blah blah and blah blah blah and blame Obama for everything blah blah blickity blah.  Nope - I'll have none of it and believe none of it because I get all my new from The Onion.  Totally legitimate source.

At any rate - I suppose the format will never change as it has been this way for decades.  There are times where lulls in bullshit media exist and stories of panda bears and puppies flood the morning news.  However, those are few and far between compared to the depressing, pro-suicide stories that are on repeat for a good week or two.  This, my friends, is one of many reasons why I no longer subscribe to cable television......or own a firearm.

Now for something completely irrelevant yet uplifting....a dog that sounds a bit like Chewbacca.  Enjoy and stay tuned for more amazing posts.....I promise.