Aug 8, 2013

Things I Need To Do More Of for $500, Alex

Perhaps it is a part of growing older or perhaps it just part of getting caught up in the monotonous, daily grind.  Either way - the fear of Sloth.

Cute but nope.



I often reflect back and remember all the things I used to enjoy doing on a consistent basis - endless hours of bicycling, playing guitar, gaming, listening to music, and so on.  Granted I was able to engage in more of these activities throughout my youth .  Time was not a factor and responsibilities were minimal.  There were no pressing full-time job requirements or demanding relationships.  The fact that there just aren't enough hours in the day nor days in the week to keep up with all the things I truly loved and enjoyed doing as a child or even teenager is probably one of the more frustrating aspects of adulthood.  Even the most active adults sometime tend to become temporarily inactive or lazy if you will at times - simply because the mental strain and stress of everyday life sucks away every ounce of extra energy.  I can recall many days where I had the drive and energy to engage in some form of activity once freed from the constraints of employment.  By the end of the day - that drive and energy level was long gone.

Each year - I tell myself I will do more of this, this, and that.  Each year - time seems to go by faster and faster, and the opportunity to do more of this, this, and that slips away.  I find myself lounging on the couch more and more, which drives me absolutely crazy.  I have gained weight that seems impossible as fuck to lose.  I have let so much idle time slip by over the past decade - time that I could have utilized more efficiently.  Time I will never get back.  Working in a high stress/low morale environment only exacerbated the sloth.  Thankfully, that chapter of my life is over.

So what comes next?

De-programming for one - freeing the mind from the must work at breakneck speed under extreme stress mentality.  Learning how to breathe again - taking in all the beauty and wonderment of the world in without attempting to multi-task or think about anything else.  There are so many creative outlets - writing, playing music, creating music, and sharing it through various technological mediums.

My brain is in a constant state of creative motion.  The idea bulb is flickering as projects are born in my mind.  There is one project in particular that I am extremely excited and passionate about doing.  Something fresh and new that will be visible for the world to see.  Something that will inspire me to get off the couch and explore the world outside.

Coming Soon...