Jan 3, 2014

Another year in the books...

Down goes another year.
Another chapter in the books.
Another chapter begins.
All that's left of 2013 is quickly fading out in the rear view mirror.  As we press forward into 2014, we leave behind the good, the bad, and the ugly of last year.

Every year - resolutions are established and made and forgotten.  Every year seems to have similar results with goals and drive going by the wayside shortly after the ringing in of the new year. It seems to be some sort of bizarre new year's epidemic.

This year -  the urgency seems to be greater for whatever reason.  I have good vibes about this year.  The positive energy has directed me to rethink my resolution strategy - attack those annual aspirations from a different angle.  The upcoming year brings great opportunities.  Big things as they say.  Not big like I am moving to LA and reforming Guns n' Roses.  I haven't got the strength - nor does the majority of the human population.

I am growing older.  The things I keep telling myself I'll do tomorrow can only wait so long.  Eventually - I will run out of time.  The bulb in the hourglass will be empty.  This is the year of eliminating the procrastination.  Getting shit done.  Taking care of business to help 'secure' those better days ahead.  I am certainly not ready to lie down and just take it nor ride it out as is 'til the end.  No sir.  There are still plenty of things I want to do and experience - places I want to go.

2013 wasn't necessarily a bad year by any means.  It was interesting to say the least, but there is room for improvement.  There's always room for progress and improvements whether it be on a small or grand scale.  I am about to sound as cliché as it gets.  I have high hopes for 2014.  Hope.  Change.  Progress.  I am not looking to solve the world's problems or save the whales per say.  My goals are simply to better myself.  Self-improvement.  Self-esteem.  Self-awareness.  Doing things that don't involve just sitting back and watching life and opportunities pass by.  Finish the projects and goals I was so determined to start.  Engage in continuous learning.  Reflect.  Most importantly - learn how to just take it all in and breathe.

Frankie say Relax.

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